MapLink™ | Procedures | Site Planning Guidelines

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Site Planning Guidelines
1. The following advisory guidelines are intended to assist applicants and the Borough in developing well-planned developments:
A. Natural Features.
Seek to minimize grading changes and removal of mature trees. Seek to preserve the natural beauty of highly visible areas. Seek to preserve land along creeks and steep hillsides.
B. Circulation.
Seek to separate pedestrian circulation from major routes of vehicle traffic. Minimize the number of access points along major roads. Avoid parking spaces backing into through traffic routes. Ensure adequate capacity of driveways and drive-through lanes to avoid traffic backing onto streets.
C. Utilities.
Seek to place as many utility lines as possible underground.
D. Signs.
Seek to minimize the lighting intensity of signs. Seek to avoid signs with overly bright, less attractive colors. Consider use of ground-mounted or wooden signs.
E. Compatibility.
Seek to locate noisier and less compatible uses (such as loading docks) as far away from homes as possible. Seek to screen out views of less attractive activities from streets and homes.
2. Liability.
A. Neither the approval nor the granting of any review, issuance of permit or approval related to construction, activity within the floodplain, site plan review, subdivision or land development approval, erosion control, stormwater runoff, activity on steep slopes or any other review or permit of this chapter, by an officer, employee, consultant or agency of the Borough shall constitute a representation, guarantee or warranty of any kind by the Borough, or its employees, officials, consultants or agencies, of the practicality or safety of any structure, use or subdivision, and shall create no liability upon, nor a cause of action against such public body, official, consultant nor employee for any damage that may result pursuant thereto.
B. If the Zoning Officer mistakenly issues a permit under this chapter, the Borough shall not be liable for any later lawful withdrawal of such permit for valid cause shown.
See § 27-120: Site Planning Guidelines for more information.
See § 27-110: Zoning Officer for more information on this officer.