MapLink™ Procedures | Solid Waste Transfer Facility

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Solid Waste Transfer Facility
(1) The applicant shall prove to the satisfaction of the Zoning Hearing Board that the existing street network can handle the additional truck traffic, especially without bringing extraordinary numbers of trash hauling trucks through or alongside existing residential or residentially zoned areas.
(2) The applicant shall prove to the satisfaction of the Zoning Hearing Board that the use would not routinely create noxious odors off of the tract.
(3) The applicant shall provide sufficient information for the Borough to determine that the requirements of this chapter will be met.
(4) The applicant shall provide the Zoning officer with a copy of all written materials and plans that are submitted to Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection at the same time as they are submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection.
See § 27-4021.OO for more information on solid waste transfer facilities.
See § 27-111: Zoning Hearing Board Actions and Variances for more information on this board.
See § 27-110: Zoning Officer for more information on this officer.