MapLink™ | Procedures | Wetlands

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1. If the Borough Engineer, Planning Commission or Borough Council has reason to believe that a portion of a site proposed to be altered may possibly meet the state or federal definitions of a "wetland," the applicants(s) may be required to provide a study, prepared by a qualified professional, which delineates that location of said wetlands. In addition to this study, all wetlands located on this site shall be properly identified, via metes and bounds descriptions with a reference tie to the perimeter property survey, on the corresponding subdivision and/or land development plan for the proposed development. Please note, however, that the Borough accepts no responsibility to identify all wetlands, or to warn all parties of such possibilities.
2. A certification, which states that either the wetland area(s) shown have been delineated in accordance with current state and/or federal guidelines or that no wetlands exist on this site, shall be placed on all subdivision and/or land development plans and signed by a qualified professional.
3. If it is found that the proposed work will be performed in wetlands, a Borough permit shall not be issued until such time as all necessary permits and approvals are first obtained from the appropriate federal and/or state agencies by the applicant(s). Copies of all federal and state permits and approvals shall be filed by the applicants(s) with the Borough at the time of permit application.
4. If the Zoning Officer has reason to believe that the proposed use may have difficulty complying with the standards of Part 5: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, of the Zoning Chapter, then the Zoning Officer may require an applicant to provide written descriptions of proposed machinery, hazardous substances, operations and safeguards.
See § 27-503: Wetlands. for more information on wetlands.
See § 27-110: Zoning Officer for more information on this officer.
See Forms and Applications for more information.
See Zoning for more information.