MapLink™ | Procedures | Steep Slopes

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Steep Slopes
1. Site Plan. If an area of a lot including slopes of 15% or greater is proposed for construction of buildings, streets or driveways or nonagricultural grading, then the applicant shall submit a steep slope site plan to the Zoning Officer. These submittal requirements may be met by including the required information on subdivision/land development plans.
2. Submission Requirements. A steep slope site plan shall meet the following requirements:
A. Show detailed existing and proposed slope contours for all areas that potentially may be disturbed and/or constructed upon.
B. Identify all areas of 15% to 25% and greater than 25% slope.
C. Be to scale (such as one inches equals 50 feet).
D. Show substantial areas of trees and dense vegetation proposed to be removed or preserved prior to or during the development of the use.
E. Be stamped by a professional surveyor, professional engineer, registered landscape architect or registered architect.
F. Show proposed locations of principal buildings, streets, driveways, on-lot septic fields and other areas of soil disturbance.*
*If the exact location of these features is not definitely determined at the time of plan submittal, then the plan shall designate the outer limits of areas where such features may potentially be located. If different locations outside of the approved location would be proposed after approval of the site plan, then the applicant shall prove to the Zoning officer that the revised location would still meet the requirements of this section.
G. State the maximum slope of proposed driveways and streets.
H. Show an area of 20 feet around the proposed principal building locations.
3. Grading. No grading shall occur in such a way that would circumvent the requirements of this chapter, such as prior to submittal for a zoning or building permit or subdivision or land development approval. The steep slope requirements shall apply based on the slope of land at the time of the adoption of this chapter.
4. If the Zoning Officer has reason to believe that the proposed use may have difficulty complying with the standards of Part 5: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, of the Zoning Chapter, then the Zoning Officer may require an applicant to provide written descriptions of proposed machinery, hazardous substances, operations and safeguards.
See § 27-505: Steep Slopes for more information.
See § 27-110: Zoning Officer for more information on this officer.